Frequently Asked Questions
Please view the list of our most frequently asked questions. If you do not see an answer to your question, please contact us.
When will I receive the keys to my rental?
Once your reservation is successfully booked, you will receive an email that includes the door code to your rental. Lux Villa VR does not use standard keys that can be damaged or lost. All of our rentals are fitted with electronic door locks that are opened with a touch of a button.
Can I check in early or check out late?
Please text our support number with these types of inquiries. We will do our best to accommodate you requests, but our housekeeping teams need adequate time to prepare our properties for the next guests as well.
What do I do if I have issues with any amenities?
Lux Villa VR has a text enabled help system available to you at any time during your stay. Simply text us your issue and we will attempt to remedy the situation over the phone. If we are unable to solve the issue cia text message, we will send someone to your rental to help.
Will we be fined for being too loud?
In order to respect the privacy of homeowners near our rental properties, we ask that our guests keep noise to a minimum after 9pm. If music is kept at a reasonable level – inside the rental property, and guests remain indoors after 9pm your odds of being visited by law enforcement and/or being fined decrease dramatically.
Will we be fined for parking?
Each rental property has a specific designated parking area. Garages and driveways are typically the only areas guests are allowed to park their cars. Each rental property also has a specified amount of vehicles that can be parked. Please adhere to these parking rules or law enforcement will visit and more times than not, a fine will be issued.